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What Are the Advantages of Drug Rehab Centers?

There are numerous advantages of drug rehab centers, including a safe and supportive space to withdraw from substances.

What Is a Drug Rehab Center?

A drug rehab center is a drug-free environment that helps individuals experiencing substance use disorder to withdraw and detox safely. These centers provide these individuals with professional help to build a productive life after alcohol or drug use.

Although a large percentage of people experience addiction, very few people receive proper treatment. Rehab centers provide recovery help to people with substance use disorder. A drug rehab center is a program that combines therapy, education, and counseling to help individuals experiencing substance use disorder. These centers offer treatments that help to enforce a healthy schedule for these individuals.

How Does Drug Rehab Work?

Rehab for drugs is an arranged program that helps people living with substance use disorder. It helps these people live a sober and healthy lifestyle by providing them with professional therapeutic programs. These programs help to restore the stability and sobriety of people experiencing substance use disorder.

These programs also provide these individuals with the necessary resources and support to build self-assurance. The rehab available in these centers also helps build positive life changes, such as being able to cook healthy meals and practicing self-care.

Types of Rehab Centers

Some of the various common types of drug treatment rehabilitation centers will be detailed below.

Long-Term Residential Treatment

Long-term residential treatment is one of the various treatment options for individuals experiencing substance use disorder. It provides patients with a sober environment which includes social services and peer support.

The treatment gives the individuals some time to heal and develop healthy relationships with others. Long-term residential centers often have programs that last for an average of ninety days.1

Short-Term Residential Treatment

Short-term residential treatment often requires the individual to undergo drug treatment lasting at least thirty days. These individuals will live within the drug detox center throughout the period and participate in recovery activities. The structure of drug rehab facilities gives these individuals the services found in long-term residential treatment within a shorter time frame.

Outpatient Treatment

This treatment option offers people with substance use disorder a way to receive treatment while also living their lives outside of the center. It gives the patient more access to social groups while also providing long-term care that helps to prevent relapse. During the treatment, the individual will live at home and still be able to work or provide for their family if needed.2

Do I Need Drug Rehab?

If you have a substance abuse disorder, you might find yourself asking if you need rehab. When the use of drugs negatively impacts your life, you most likely need professional support to overcome it. Although it may seem easy to quit on your own, an addiction rehab center is a safer and more effective way to go.

The following are some of the signs of substance use disorder:

  • Drug cravings
  • Withdrawal
  •  symptoms
  • Mood swings
  • Increased drug use
  • Hiding drugs
  • A change in drug
  •  tolerance
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Changes in weight
  • Changes in sleep

What Are the Advantages of Drug Rehab Centers?

Although there are advantages and disadvantages of rehabilitation centers, the pros of the center outweigh the cons. The following are some of the various advantages that rehabilitation centers offer:

  • These safe rehab centers often provide a safe environment for breaking the cycle of addiction
  • These centers enable the individual to focus on recovery
  • They help to explore underlying issues
  • It enables the individual to receive peer support from others within the facility

How Long Is Drug Rehab Treatment?

The determining factor for the duration of this treatment is the type of addiction rehabilitation treatment the individual enrolls in. The average duration of stay for these centers includes:

  • Long-term residential treatment takes three to twelve months
  • Detox often takes seven days
  • Inpatient programs often take twenty-one to ninety days
  • Outpatient programs often run for some weeks to three months, depending on what kind of support the patient needs

Does Insurance Cover Drug Rehab?

It is advisable to use an insurance provider to cover the cost of the inpatient and outpatient rehab program. There are drug addiction rehab centers with insurance plans that help to cover the entire treatment. Individuals can also communicate the insurance plan with a representative from the desired rehab program.4

Explore More Benefits of Drug Rehab Centers at San Diego Detox

San Diego Detox addiction treatment centers provide individuals with programs that help ease them through the recovery process. Our treatment facility has a team of professionals that prioritizes your emotional and mental health as you recover.

San Diego Detox also explores any underlying issues and provides coping skills for the individual. Contact us today if you or a loved one want help detoxing from drugs, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Drug Rehabilitation Process

The drug rehabilitation process involves transitioning from drug addiction to a healthy way of life. The following are the four steps involved during the process of drug addiction rehabilitation:3


The assessment is a vital part of drug rehabilitation programs because it will help doctors determine what drugs you may have in your system, along with any other physical or physiological side effects that could be co-occurring. Also, due to certain illicit drugs being mixed with other substances, sometimes the individual will have no way of knowing every substance that is in their body.

During the assessment, these individuals must identify the substances used and the extent of their usage to the best of their ability. Also, it is vital to identify and determine any underlying mental health disorder and treat it alongside the addiction.


When recovering from a substance use disorder, these individuals need to rid the body of the toxic metabolites of the substance. Withdrawal symptoms often occur while the body is getting rid of the substance. Detoxification helps to cleanse the blood by eliminating the substance from the body.

Substance detox can be life-threatening; hence it is advisable to do it with the help of a detox program. Detoxing with the help of a drug rehabilitation program will help ensure the safety of the individual.


The rehab process is where addressing the underlying issues and causes of addiction takes place. During this process, the individual will partake in individual and group counseling to help with trauma and self-esteem. These individuals may also go through recreational and family therapy.


Aftercare is vital after the rehab process irrespective of the length of the program. Aftercare is crucial because there is an increased risk of relapse and overdose after patients leave the rehab center. It is best to engage in recovery activities after discharge from the rehab program in order to stay sober and safe.
