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How To Stop Marijuana Addiction?

Are you struggling with marijuana addiction? Learn about the signs of addiction, the effects of abuse, and how to quit smoking marijuana here.


In the United States, marijuana is the top federally illegal drug used today. Approximately eighteen percent or forty-eight million Americans used marijuana at least once in 2019. In marijuana addiction research, it is estimated that about three out of every ten people who use cannabis have a marijuana use disorder.1

This article will describe what marijuana is, the health risks of marijuana abuse, why it’s addictive, the signs of addiction to look for, and how to quit.

What Is Marijuana?

Many slang terms are used when people talk about marijuana or cannabis, including weed, pot, herb, grass, ganja, bud, and Mary Jane. Regardless of the terminology, marijuana is dried flowers from the Cannabis sativa plant. 

These flowers or buds are usually green or gray. People smoke cannabis using rolled cigarettes (joints), pipes, water pipes (bongs), and cigar wraps (blunts). Cannabis can also be used as edibles, vaporized liquids, and resins. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the main mind-altering chemical in cannabis.2

Why Is Marijuana Addictive?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), people can be addicted to marijuana.3 Marijuana addiction is especially prevalent today, where the concentration of cannabis samples has increased rapidly over time. When people cannot stop using cannabis even though it negatively affects their life, they may meet the clinical criteria for marijuana addiction.4

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Are you or someone you care about addicted to marijuana? The following sections will highlight the most common marijuana addiction symptoms. Familiarizing oneself with the top signs of marijuana addiction is helpful when figuring out if professional help is needed.

You Lose Interest In Activities

If someone is addicted to marijuana, they may start giving up activities or hobbies that are important to them. For instance, canceling plans with friends and family to use cannabis instead.4

Your Relationships Are Suffering

If a person’s relationships are falling apart or strained, this can be one of the signs of problematic marijuana use.4

Your Tolerance Increases

When someone is addicted to marijuana or other substances, their tolerance increases. Marijuana overuse becomes a concern when a person continuously needs more and more cannabis to achieve the same high.4

You Are Unable To Stop

If you’re still wondering, is marijuana addictive? Ask yourself how many people you know struggle to stop smoking or using cannabis. For someone that is addicted to marijuana, it can feel impossible to quit using. It’s especially challenging when marijuana addiction symptoms, cravings, and withdrawal are present.4

Effects of Marijuana Abuse

There are short and long-term effects associated with marijuana dependency. The following sections will explore the potential effects of marijuana overuse and abuse:5

  • Altered Perceptions and Mood: When it comes to marijuana and addiction, people can experience lasting changes in perception and mood. Signs of marijuana use can include an altered sense of time and color.
  • Impaired Coordination: Impaired coordination and body movement is an effect of marijuana dependency.
  • Difficulty With Thinking and Problem Solving: Signs of marijuana use can include cognitive challenges such as impaired problem-solving skills.
  • Disrupted Learning and Difficulty Recollecting Memories: Difficulty learning, poor memory, marijuana hallucinations, delusions, and psychosis are all possible effects of marijuana dependence disorder.
  • Decreased Appetite: Marijuana and addiction may lead to changes in appetite and sleep for some people.

How To Quit Marijuana Addiction

If someone is struggling with marijuana addiction or feels they would meet the criteria for addiction on a weed dependency test, it’s essential to learn ways to quit. Although there is no quick cure for marijuana addiction, there are effective strategies to quit and avoid withdrawal symptoms of marijuana.


When quitting, it’s common to experience withdrawal symptoms such as trouble sleeping, decreased appetite, cravings, anxiety, and grouchiness. Planning for these symptoms is key to quitting.

Get Rid of Marijuana-Related Paraphernalia

When cravings come up, it is less likely a person will use cannabis if they don’t have immediate access to paraphernalia such as water pipes or rolling papers.

Identify Triggers and Strategize How To Deal With Them

Everyone has unique triggers. For example, a person can be triggered by their environment, people, and activities. If you always smoke with a particular friend or at a gathering, plan to prevent a relapse. 

Build A Strong Support Network

On the road to recovery, having a solid support network is critical. Friends, family, and sober support groups are excellent resources.

Find A Weed Replacement

Although replacements aren’t usually a long-term solution, it can be helpful to have a substitute now. If you have a craving, you could go for a walk, call a friend, or spend time on a hobby you enjoy. 

Health Risks of Marijuana Addiction

Is marijuana addictive, and what are the physical health risks? Since we now know marijuana is addictive, we will detail relevant health risks of addiction below:

  • Daily Cough and Phlegm Production: A problematic cough and greater phlegm production are likely when using or getting over weed addiction.5
  • Frequent Acute Chest Illness: Marijuana dangers include breathing problems and an increased risk of chest illness.5
  • Heightened Risk of Lung Infections: Similarly to tobacco users, individuals struggling with marijuana addiction experience lung illnesses and infections more frequently.
  • Damage to The Immune System: Heavy cannabis use can damage the immune system and, in turn, harm the pulmonary system.6
  • Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and the chance of heart attack are health risks of marijuana addiction.
  • Depression: Cannabis use is linked to mental health problems, including depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety is one of the potential health risks of marijuana abuse.
  • Personality Disturbances: For individuals using marijuana, temporary paranoia, hallucinations, and worsening mental health symptoms are possible.

Why is it Important to Recognize Signs of Addiction and Relevant Health Risks?

If you are able to identify the symptoms present during marijuana addiction, you will better be able to advocate for wellness and helpful recovery resources. It is important to know the health risks affiliated with marijuana addiction as well, in order to understand just why it’s vital to seek help when necessary.

Addiction Treatment for Marijuana Abuse With San Diego Detox

Behavioral support and marijuana addiction treatment are effective for marijuana use disorder. If you or someone you know is struggling with cannabis addiction, scheduling a clinical evaluation or weed dependency test can be helpful. A clinician conducts an in-depth assessment during a professional evaluation, determines the appropriate care level, and comes alongside the client to create a personalized treatment plan. 

Residential Care

Residential care provides integrative care in a safe, comfortable, and structured environment. For individuals struggling to quit using marijuana, inpatient treatment and the skills acquired while in treatment are crucial for recovery. 


At San Diego Detox, highly trained clinicians provide clients with supportive, evidence-based therapies. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) help clients achieve a life free from addiction. 


San Diego Detox supports clients throughout the spectrum of care with full-service detoxification, residential care, outpatient treatment, sober living, and aftercare. To learn more about treatment for marijuana addiction or schedule an evaluation, contact San Diego Detox right away.
